A Citizen's Advice Scotland BriefingPublication date:February 2025
This briefing provides an overview of the network's evidence of the impact of the managed migration from legacy payments to Universal Credit. It sets our recommendations for change.
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Publication date:February 2025Spotlight:
Publication date:December 2024
Social security continues to represent half of the advice work being undertaken by the Citizen's Advice network in Scotland. Universal Credit already represents one in three social security advice enquiries being handled by the network. The ongoing migration of people who are receiving older income-based social security payments to Universal Credit has been a very significant exercise and a milestone in the evolution of social security in the UK, while highlighting the urgency of change.
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Publication date:December 2024
The Scottish Campaign on the Right to Social Security (ScoRSS), a diverse coalition of organisations including CAS that seek to advance a social security system that supports everyone to thrive not merely survive, has submitted it's priorities for the Scottish Budget during financial year 2025-2026.
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Issue 16 of the Citizens Advice Scotland network magazinePublication date:November 2024
Welcome to the Autumn 2024 edition of Voice Magazine.
A special 85th-anniversary edition.
In this issue:
- the first 85 years - a history of the development of our network in Scotland
- from the Blitz to Brexit - how we've responded to crisis and change
- we hear from CAB colleagues who have worked for the service for a large part of it's history
- and we take a brief look at the future and how technology can help transform what we do and how we will do it.
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data and insight from Citizens Advice ScotlandPublication date:November 2024
This is a quarterly briefing showcases our evidence and insight into energy - the issues that are causing people in Scotland harm and the solutions needed to address these.
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Publication date:November 2024Spotlight:
Project Evaluation and Design: Literature ReviewPublication date:November 2024Spotlight:
Publication date:November 2024
Ofgem recently consulted on refreshing its Consumer Vulnerability Strategy and CAS responded.
Publication date:October 2024
Citizens Advice Scotland welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Scottish Government’s consultation on post school education and skills reform.
Publication date:September 2024Spotlight:
Issue 15 of the Citizens Advice Scotland network magazinePublication date:August 2024
Welcome to the Summer 2024 edition of Voice Magazine.
In this issue:
- a new local campaigns programme, delivered when it works best for bureaux
- three CABs tell us about their experiences with a new approach to council tax debt recovery
- we hear from the CAB advisers who are delivering the new migration service
- forCASt - a brand new data and insights webinar for everyone who wants to know more about what our network does.
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Publication date:August 2024
Citizen’s Advice Scotland welcomes this opportunity to present our evidence of the Adult Disability Payment (ADP) experience: in particular to shine a light on the impact of ADP on seldom heard
groups. As Scotland’s largest independent advice network and third largest source of ADP application support, our insight is significant and unique.Spotlight: -
Publication date:August 2024
CAS has responded to Social Justice and Social Security Committee's call for views on pre-budget 2025-26 scrutiny - Third sector funding principles.
Publication date:August 2024
CAS responded to the above consultation by the Scottish Government.
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Publication date:July 2024
An evaluation of our Campaigns and Communication survey which ran from March - April 2024.
Publication date:July 2024
CAS recently responded to the Right to Palliative Care (Scotland) Bill proposed by Miles Briggs.
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Research from Citizens Advice ScotlandPublication date:June 2024
Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) received funding from SGN (Scotland Gas Networks) to provide policy insight and expertise on vulnerability in the context of fuel poverty and the just transition to net zero. The research was carried out with a focus group of CAB advisers and the launch of the Lived Experience of Vulnerability pilot during which four CAB clients were interviewed on matters relating to their lived experiences of fuel poverty.
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Citizens Advice Scotland advocacy work plan 2024-25Publication date:June 2024Spotlight:
Publication date:June 2024
Citizens Advice Scotland has responded to Ofgem's Call for Input on affordability and debt. The key points are:
- CAS supports a write-off of energy debt and the implementation of a social tariff
- Our data shows the scale and harm of energy debt is getting worse.
- The average energy debt clients present to the CAB network is around £2300. For clients in rural areas, it is around £3000.
- CAS recommends that Ofgem looks at how other regulators help customers in debt.
You can download and read the full response below.
Stressed About Debt? High costs of energy, food and fuel mean that many people are finding it impossible to keep up, worrying about debt or falling behind on bills. The Citizens Advice network in Scotland is here for you, with free, confidential and impartial advice in a variety of ways.