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Spotlight on: Social Security Scotland


  1. 13 Apr 2024

    by Emma Jackson, CAS Strategic Lead for social justice.

    This article was first published in the Herald on 13 April, 2024.

  2. 6 Oct 2023

    The introduction of the Adult Disability Payment means that the way that claims for extra costs disability support are evidenced has changed and the choice to request a consultation is available to clients. We have created some notes on consultations for advisers and a Social Security Scotland guidance document is available to download.

  3. 1 Apr 2023

    by Stephanie Millar, CAS social policy manager.

    This article was first published in the Herald on 1 April 2023.


  1. Erica Young Social Justice Team

    Publication date: August 2024

    Citizen’s Advice Scotland welcomes this opportunity to present our evidence of the Adult Disability Payment (ADP) experience: in particular to shine a light on the impact of ADP on seldom heard
    groups. As Scotland’s largest independent advice network and third largest source of ADP application support, our insight is significant and unique.

  2. CAS responds to the Social Justice Social Security Committee's Call for Evidence
    Erica Young Social Justice Team

    Publication date: May 2024

    CAS welcomes this opportunity to input our unique overview of the impact of the Scottish Social Security landscape to inform the Social Justice Social Security Committee’s inquiry into the efficacy of Scottish Child Payment in reducing Child Poverty.

  3. The Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018 Amendment Bill
    Erica Young Social Justice Team

    Publication date: January 2024

    Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) welcomes this opportunity to provide our overview of the impact of the Scottish Social Security landscape to inform scrutiny of this Bill proposing to amend the law governing the administration of social security in Scotland. As the amendments largely reflect our views expressed in the consultation process, including our recommendations, we have limited our response to those aspects of the Bill that are of the most direct concern to the Citizens Advice network in Scotland. We have expressed views where we believe there is scope for further amendments, or significant wrap around work needed to achieve the policy intent.

  4. CAS Responds

    Publication date: April 2023

    We have responded to the Scottish Government's consultation on how the mobility component of the new Adult Disability Payment is working.

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