Job Details
More about the job
We are currently seeking a new Finance Director to join our Board and we hope to find someone who has experience of financial management and accountancy. Our current Finance Director will remain on the Board and will be a source of support for the new Finance Director. We would like our Board to be representative of our local community and so would welcome approaches from people who live locally or have lived experience of issues facing our clients. We encourage applications from all sectors of the community and you do not need to have board experience to apply, we will support you with tailored training based on your level of experience.
As well as bearing all the fiduciary duty of a board officer, the Finance Director is the person specifically entrusted with management of the bureau funds. They will deal with much of the day-to-day financial business and will play a key role in planning a clear fundraising strategy. The Finance Director is also responsible for ensuring that accurate records are maintained and the board is informed of all relevant financial matters.
The tasks associated with this post are:
• liaising with, and advising, the Manager and Board on financial matters
• controlling and accounting for the Bureau’s finances, ensuring that full financial records are kept for all transactions and carrying out all approved banking transactions
• liaising with the payroll administrator on monthly salary payments to paid staff
• ensuring that proper financial procedures and accounting practice are in place to safeguard the Bureau’s resources
• preparing financial statements for board meetings and for the annual general meeting
• liaise with the appointed Independent Examiner for the annual review of accounts
• preparing an annual budget and advising the board of its financial requirements for the year ahead
If you are interested in this position, please contact:
Gill Westwood
Peebles & District Citizens Advice Bureau
Chambers Institution
High Street
EH45 8AG
Tel: 01721 721722