Bureau social policy volunteers use information from problems brought to the bureau by clients to help bring about real change.
Bureaux do this to meet the second aim of the CAB Service in Scotland: to influence social policy, both locally and nationally.
This is a flexible role, which can sometimes be partly carried out away from the bureau and outside their opening hours. You can read more by downloading the volunteer story available at the bottom of this page. Social policy work can involve:
- Completing and collating evidence forms that record information about the problems that clients experience
- Keeping in touch with staff at Citizens Advice Scotland who also do social policy work
- Identifying and raising social policy issues in the bureau e.g. at staff and volunteer meetings
- Training staff and volunteers in spotting particular issues and flagging then on the electronic client recording system
- Contributing to planning and undertaking local campaigns
- Contributing to media work and liaising with other bureaux and agencies to provide a voice for clients
If you are interested in becoming a social policy volunteer, contact your local bureau to find out what opportunities are available.