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Project Officer (Part Time, Fixed Term), Western Isles Citizens Advice Service

Job Details

Job title
Project Officer
Closing date
Friday 16 February 2018
Isle of Lewis
Hours per week
Type of contract
Fixed Term to June 2019
£12,733 per annum (plus Islands Allowance pro-rata)

More about the job

About the job


Our partnership provides a ‘whole household’ approach to supporting those most in need and in severe fuel poverty in remote rural communities in the Outer Hebrides. The most vulnerable, through their third sector support agencies, will help shape a new way of delivering anti fuel poverty action. We want to help make people affordably warm and increase their well-being mentally, physically, and financially. The project is establishing an inter-agency referral network which is supported by the new NHS Community Navigator.

Gluasad Còmhla, moving together, is how we are working to ensure we can tackle fuel poverty and mental and physical health conditions linked to this for those most vulnerable. End users suffer inequality most and we want to ensure resources are targeted more efficiently to support them. Each partner acts as a catalyst for the others to reach those most in need. All partners are agreed to new cross working and training; establishing data sharing protocols; efficient referrals; ‘named officer’ points of contact for public and partners; supporting installation of energy efficiency measures in homes of very vulnerable clients; and liaison with third party organisations including government at all levels. Whilst the project is being trialled in Lewis, partners are committed to supporting a roll out of best practice across all islands once established.


Western Isles Citizens Advice Service is looking for a highly motivated person who has knowledge of the social security benefit system and experience of providing social security related advice. Excellent verbal and written communication skills are essential.  You must have the ability to research complex material, and have excellent interpersonal skills. Organisational skills are very important in this post.

This post may require a considerable amount of travel, so the applicant must be able to travel within the Isle of Lewis as required. 

How to apply

You can download an application pack from the links below or request from:
About the employer

Western Isles Citizens Advice Service CAB Charity No:  SC015018


CAB Charity name: Western Isles Citizens Advice Service