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Advice for Tenants and Residents Project (AFTAR): Money Adviser/Income Maximiser, Motherwell and Wishaw Citizens Advice Bureau

Job Details

Job title
Money Adviser/Income Maximiser
Closing date
Friday 18 January 2019
W/C Monday 21 January 2019
Hours per week
Type of contract
Fixed term
£22062 per annum

More about the job

About the job

The Money Adviser/Income Maximiser will help and encourage tenants to improve their financial situation, through looking at ways to maximize their income, deal with their debt and help them improve their budgeting skills. The project, which includes an outreach service, will target vulnerable tenants who have financial difficulties aiming to reduce the number of failed tenancies.

The project will be delivered in partnership with Citizens Advice Bureau and five RSL’s in North Lanarkshire; Abronhill HA, Forgewood Housing Co-operative, Garrion People’s Housing Co-operative, Lanarkshire HA and Wishaw and District HA. The project will include the area covered by the five RSL’s.

This post involves daily travel to venues located throughout North Lanarkshire at the five Housing Association partners’ offices and at the homes of their tenants/residents. It will be highly desirable to have daily access to their own transport. The applicants with no access to own transport are welcome to apply and will be considered.

How to apply

You can download an application pack from the link below or request from:

Catherine Marshall, Motherwell & Wishaw Citizens Advice Bureau, 90 Brandon Parade East,  Motherwell ML1 1LY

Or email:


About the employer

Motherwell & Wishaw CAB strives to be an Equal Opportunities employer.Motherwell & Wishaw Citizens Advice Bureau is a Company Limited by Guarantee No. SC173485. Registered Charity No SC009733


Application pack