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Laura is fundraising for the CAB network

CAS Network Services Manager, Laura Plumb is taking on a huge challenge to raise money for the network and needs your support to smash her targets.

Laura is part of an 8-strong team, Counternavig8 GB,  that is planning to row around mainland Britain. Setting off from Eyemouth on 1 June, the team will row counterclockwise around Britain, covering 2000 miles in roughly 40 days. 

Laura said: "Everyone in the team is raising money for different charities and as I've been both a CAB volunteer and  CAB employee, and now I work for CAS it was easy for me to choose the cause I wanted to raise money for. I'd be really delighted if  colleagues and friends across the network would get behind the fundraising effort especially as there is the option for supporters to choose which CAB they would like their donation to go to.  I am really pleased that CAB will benefit directly and that we can raise awareness that we are a charity.

 "Circumnavig8 GB is the first team to attempt this row counterclockwise and so there's a chance we can claim a world record but it's a difficult and dangerous route so we will just be delighted to complete it. It will be relentless as we are rowing in continuous shifts of 2 hours on 2 hours off, so knowing that I have the support of my colleagues across the network in Scotland would mean a tremendous amount to me".

To support Laura's amazing effort and help raise money for your bureau you can do the following:

Please tell supporters that if they mention your CAB in the donation message, the money will come to you and ask them to follow CAS and Laura's team on Facebook for updates.