Job Details
More about the job
Citizens Advice Bureau West Lothian work in partnership with NHS Lothian and West Lothian Council to: -
- Connect with low income families to allow them to get the appropriate help
- Targeted intervention and support for pre and post natal families
- Address the unmet debt and financial capability needs of low income families
- Build lasting and effective connections between partner organisations
The workers will deliver a holistic advice service to our client group with a focus on debt advice, financial capability and income maximisation.
Applicants should have experience of working in the advice sector for a minimum of 2 years as well as working knowledge and experience of income maximisation, money advice, and budgeting, financial education.
The applicant will also have excellent communication skills and the ability to work to targets/deadlines and have experience of producing reports for funders. Knowledge and experience of CAB would also be advantageous.
Also required is proficiency in Word, Excel, e-mail and have knowledge of using a case management/recording system.
For an application pack contact Fiona on 01506 436132 or e-mail