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Advice in Mind Project: Motherwell & Wishaw, Airdrie, and East Kilbride Citizens Advice Bureaux

Job Details

Job title
4 Money/Debt Advisers, 1 Project Coordinator and 1 Peer Support Worker
Closing date
Wednesday 20 April 2016
Hours per week
Full Time and Part Time available
Type of contract
Fixed Term to March 2019

More about the job

About the job

The Advice in Mind Project is currently recruiting for the following 6 positions: 4 Money/Debt Advisers (MDA), 1 Project Coordinator and 1 Peer Support Worker.     

The AIM project is a 3 year initiative; funded by BIG Lottery to support people who are affected by mental health conditions, deal with financial issues affecting their lives. The project will provide information, advice, advocacy, referral services and facilitation on claiming appropriate welfare benefits, money management, financial planning and debt prevention. CAS, Lanarkshire CAB will work alongside NHS Lanarkshire to proactively engage with people with mental health conditions experiencing, or vulnerable to, financial hardship.

Led by Motherwell and Wishaw CAB, nine CAB in North and South Lanarkshire will work in partnership on the project. The service aims to offer early intervention to people with mental health conditions, so that problems can be tackled before they get out of hand and crises can be averted.

The project will receive referrals from NHS professionals and clients will have access to advice in a range of health settings across the region which will enable interventions at times of change in clients’ lives such as; initial diagnosis, admission and discharge at hospital psychiatric units.

This is a great opportunity to play a vital role in making a real difference in lives of people affected by mental health conditions in Lanarkshire area by providing them with high quality advice and support.

We are looking for highly motivated team members with the commitment deliver this new project across Lanarkshire area. We expect candidates to have excellent teamwork, communication and organisational skills with a proven ability to work in partnership with other agencies.

Job Title:  Money/ Debt Adviser (Money Advice/Income Maximisation)

Positions:   4 Full time roles Part time negotiable. 

Salary:  £21,000 per annum (pro rata if part time)

Hours of work:  Full time 35 hours per week. 

There will be occasional requirements to provide evening and Saturday support; however this will usually be planned in advance by adjusting hours or time off in lieu.

Motherwell & Wishaw CAB will be seeking 2 Money Debt Advisers, Airdrie CAB and East Kilbride one Money/ Debt adviser each to deliver Money Advice/ Income Maximisation/ Financial Capability service to clients affected by mental health issues by operating.

Job Title:  Project Co-ordinator for AIM Project

Positions:  1 Part time role

Salary:  £8382 per annum

Hours of work:  Part time 17.5 hours per week.

There will be occasional requirements to provide evening and Saturday support, however this will usually be planned in advance by adjusting hours or time off in lieu.        

The Project Co-ordinator will be employed by Motherwell & Wishaw CAB.

The project coordinator will be the first point of contact for the project.  They will manage the appointments system; provide a full and effective administrative service to the advice staff as well as coordination of all outreach activity. 

Job Title  Peer Support Worker for AIM Project

Positions:  1 Part time role

Salary:  £10400 per annum

Hours of work:  Part time 20 hours per week.

There will be occasional requirements to provide evening and Saturday support, however this will usually be planned in advance by adjusting hours or time off in lieu.

The Peer Support worker will be employed by Motherwell & Wishaw CAB.  

Peer Support Worker will provide counselling, advocacy and support services to clients affected by mental illness. Peer Support Worker (PSWs) are employed for the reason that, having used mental health services, they are able to draw upon these experiences in a positive and enlightening way to help and support others who are commencing their own journey of recovery. PSWs should inspire in others the hope and belief that recovery is possible.  

How to apply

Application packs for all vacancies can be downloaded from the links below. An application form together with an equal opportunities form for any of the above positions should be received by 5pm on 20 April 2016.  If you wish to apply for the positions at:

Motherwell & Wishaw CAB - Please forward completed application forms marked private and confidential to the Executive Manager, Motherwell & Wishaw CAB, 32-33 Civic Square, ML1 1TP or via email to 

East Kilbride CAB - Please return this form marked “Confidential” to  Michelle Campbell, Manager,  East Kilbride Citizens Advice Bureau, 9 Olympia Way Town Centre,  East Kilbride. G74 1JT or to 

Airdrie CAB - Please return this form marked “Confidential” Managing Director Airdrie Citizens Advice Bureau, 14 Anderson Street,  Airdrie ML6 0AA or to

About the employer

 Motherwell & Wishaw CAB, Airdrie CAB and East Kilbride CAB are Equal Opportunity Employers.