Job Details
More about the job
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) are responsible for maintaining the electricity networks supplying over 3.7 million homes and businesses across central southern England and north of the Central Belt of Scotland. This project is funded by the distribution arm of the company, who are seeking to expand their support for vulnerable customers and have funded the Western Isles Citizens Advice Service, working in partnership with Tighean Innse Gall, to help them achieve this.
The Western Isles Citizens Advice Service is looking for a highly motivated person who has knowledge of the social security benefit system and experience of providing social security related advice (Social security benefit system training can be given for the right candidate). The key objectives of this role are to reduce fuel poverty and support vulnerable people with their energy issues in the Western Isles.
The post holder will do this by working closely with the Fuel Poverty team within TIG (2 days per week) and colleagues within WICAS, to provide comprehensive support to at least 100 households.
Excellent verbal and written communication skills are essential. You must have the ability to research complex material, and have excellent interpersonal skills. Organisational skills are very important in this post.
This post may require a considerable amount of travel, so the applicant must be able to travel within the Western Isles as required.
For a job description and application form please contact:
Steven Hankinson, Strategic Manager, Western Isles Citizens Advice Service, 41 – 43 Westview Terrace, Stornoway, HS1 2HP
Telephone: 01851 - 705727