Job Details
More about the job
HAMPERS will ensure that individuals do not suffer through ignorance of their rights, responsibilities, or of the services available to them, or through an inability to express their needs effectively. It will inform, enable and empower both tenants and private sector landlords and letting agents to ensure that legal rights, obligations and appropriate fair and dignified practice is universally understood and utilised on all sides of the private sector equation.
HAMPERS will promote and prioritise the use of ADR to reduce and resolve conflict between the parties involved in the dispute whenever possible.
Specifically HAMPERS will meet the main charitable purposes of Safe Deposit Scotland Trust by:
Empowering, informing and educating both tenants and landlords on their rights and responsibilities as a tenant and as a landlord.
HAMPERS will share best practice with statutory/non statutory organisations.
HAMPERS will assist with mediation between tenants and landlords to ensure mutual respect at all times.
HAMPERS will ensure that current housing legislation is available in an easy to understand Plain English format and will produce materials in a range of inclusive languages and accessible formats
HAMPERS will improve dialogue and relationships between landlords and tenants, with a view to early upstream resolution including the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) when required.
The HAMPERS Worker will actively prevent homelessness and assist private tenants to remain in their current property through advice and assistance and representation in court where required. The HAMPERS Worker will facilitate the provision of budgeting and money management skills to empower private tenants to manage their budget effectively. They will also be responsible for building good working relationships with Private landlords and stakeholders across the region and the provision of information and advice that informs and enables good practice across the private rented sector in Stirling.
For an application pack or more information, contact Craig Anderson, CEO at Stirling CAB, or phone 01786 464773.
Closing Date has been extended to Friday 29 October 2021 at 5pm