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Post-School Education and Skills Reform: Consultation on legislation

Citizens Advice Scotland welcomes the opportunity to the Scottish Government’s consultation on post school education and skills reform.

Integrating professionalised volunteering and voluntary organisations into the post-school education and skills reform is essential.

CAS recommendations for this piece of legislations are:

1. Visibility and Inclusion: Recognise the voluntary sector’s role in delivering skills outcomes within policy frameworks and funding models.
2. Funding Accessibility: Increase access to public funding for voluntary organisations to support their dual role in providing advice/advocacy increasing financial gain for clients and facilitating learning and development.
3. Accreditation and Recognition: Work with accrediting bodies to formally recognise training programs offered by voluntary organisations, thus validating the skills and competencies acquired through volunteering.
4. Policy Alignment: Align this new legislation with existing and forthcoming work on Community Wealth Building, National Performance Framework, and the Wellbeing Economy to ensure a cohesive approach to skills development and community empowerment.

Read the full consultation response below.

Publication date
October 2024
Publication type